Be Smartt Inc. - Contractor License                  11-04-2023 - 10:35 PM
                      TCNJ vs Swarthmore - 10-28-2023                      
      for meet results and more               
                 Follow BE Smartt on FACEBOOK and TWITTER                  
 Event 20  Men 200 Yard Backstroke
         1:42.23  D3A 2023-2024
         1:49.15  D3B
    Name            Age School               Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Higgins, Ryan    20 New Jersey             NT    1:50.20          9  
                 26.93        54.44 (27.51)
        1:22.42 (27.98)     1:50.20 (27.78)
  2 Herink, Dylan    18 SWAT-MA                NT    1:57.12          4  
                 27.47        57.16 (29.69)
        1:27.52 (30.36)     1:57.12 (29.60)
  3 Sherman, Jacob   20 SWAT-MA                NT    1:57.96          3  
                 27.93        57.52 (29.59)
        1:28.04 (30.52)     1:57.96 (29.92)
  4 Bushay, Mason    18 New Jersey             NT    1:59.77          2  
                 28.33        58.66 (30.33)
        1:29.21 (30.55)     1:59.77 (30.56)
  5 Viola, Nick R    19 New Jersey             NT    2:02.44          1  
                 28.57        59.62 (31.05)
        1:31.21 (31.59)     2:02.44 (31.23)
  6 Heerema, Ryan    20 New Jersey             NT   x2:03.26        
                 29.35      1:00.91 (31.56)
        1:32.80 (31.89)     2:03.26 (30.46)
  7 McGrath, Mats L  20 SWAT-MA                NT    2:06.13        
                 29.02      1:01.55 (32.53)
        1:34.06 (32.51)     2:06.13 (32.07)
  8 Kilponen, Will   18 SWAT-MA                NT   x2:08.52        
                 29.50      1:01.56 (32.06)
        1:35.06 (33.50)     2:08.52 (33.46)
                 Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 20                  
  1. The College of New Jersey         122   2. Swarthmore College                 47